A construction firm has gifted more than £1,000 to a Carmarthenshire-based animal rescue centre.

Housebuilder, Barratt Developments South Wales, has given £1,500 from its Community Fund to the much-cherished Many Tears Animal Rescue on May 9.

The donation comes after a 'winter crisis', which saw animal abandonments rise to a three-year high, approximated to be more than 21,000 deserted animals in the year 2023.

Severe strain has been placed on rescue centres like Many Tears due to this, to give shelter and new homes to needy pets.

The sizeable contribution by Barratt Developments will be handy in covering food expenses, care cost, and crucial medical treatment for these animals.

Many Tears can carry on being a haven for cats, dogs, and horses across South Wales and the wider UK due to this generous assistance.

Among the animals currently under Many Tears' wing, seeking a forever home, are Captain, Quest and Fabian.

Captain is an attractive but currently shy one-year-old Old English Sheepdog.

To become healthier and more confident, he will need a warm and welcoming home together with other dogs.

Quest, a shy three-year-old Cockapoo, displays more of her soft and curious nature with every passing day.

She will fit well into a calm adult-only home where she has the company of another dog.

Then there's Haf, a two-year-old Cocker Spaniel who was rescued from a breeder.

Although she has a loving and docile temperament, she is nervous around people and needs a lot of affection to help her feel more comfortable.

Sylvia Van Atta, CEO at Many Tears Animal Rescue, expressed her gratitude for Barratt’s donation.

She said: “Many Tears has been providing a special and loving environment for animals in need for over 20 years — and our work wouldn’t be possible without our amazing staff, fosterers and volunteers.

"Most animals arrive needing expensive, and often lifesaving, veterinary care — from eye and ear infections to heart operations — that we simply couldn’t afford without generous donations like this one from Barratt.”

To support the cause, donations can be made to Many Tears Animal Rescue by visiting their website.

If you wish to apply for a donation from Barratt’s Community Fund, send an email, or visit their website for more information.