FAMILIES who need support with a range of issues can attend a special project open evening this week.

Shadows is hosting an open evening for its Inside Out project in Glanaman on Wednesday, February 7.

The Inside Out project supports families with additional needs including ADHD and ASD and provides a safe space to allow the families to connect with others in similar situations and provide a source of comfort, support and information.

There are two sections in the project, one for parents and guardians and one for the children and young people.

South Wales Guardian: The open evening will be held on Wednesday.The open evening will be held on Wednesday. (Image: Shadows)

The parents and guardians section provides a confidential safe space to talk and find out how to access other services. It them with a valuable support network whilst the children and young person’s section allows them to come together and connect with others. They can also access various activities under supervision, learn or enhance valuable life skills that they can use on a day-to-day basis and to realise that adjustments can be made in life that will help the family to move forward instead of finding the barriers being raised around each corner.

The project aims to empower the family unit to be heard and to get the knowledge and support needed whilst allowing the children and young people to develop their independence and express their creativity. It will also help to reduce stigmas whilst promoting acceptance, equality and invest in adjustment.

At the open evening, there will be a presentation by the group facilitators as well as talks by some of the parents already involved in the project about how they have found it and how it has helped them. There will also be opportunities for young people and children to take part in activities to help develop their creativity. It is also a chance for organisations who may be interested in working with the Inside Out project to find out more.

South Wales Guardian: The Shadows Inside Out project sessions are held every other Wednesday.The Shadows Inside Out project sessions are held every other Wednesday. (Image: Shadows)

The open evening will take place on Wednesday, February 7 between 4.30pm and 6.30pm at Cwmaman Community Centre, High Street, Glanaman (SA18 1DX). There will be light refreshments available.

To confirm attendance, visit www.eventbrite.com/e/inside-out-project-open-evening-tickets-808851064307?aff=oddtdtcreator.

The Inside Out project event sessions are held every other Wednesday.