Cwmaman town council has agreed to hand out donations totalling £2725 to good causes within the community and further afield.

At their latest meeting, councillors agreed to maintain the same level of giving to a number of organisations in the area who regularly benefit from the council’s generosity. Ysgol y Bedol remained the greatest beneficiary with the council donating £1.50 for every youngster at the school. The overall donation came to £585.

Cwmaman Meals on Wheels benefited to the tune of £530 while Cwmaman Day Centre received £340 for its resident’s account. Cwmaman Old Age Association was given £310 while the Twinning Association was given £200. Cwmaman Blind Society was granted £110 and the Ammanford branch of the Citizen’s Advice Bureau received £235. Eisteddfod Calfaria, one of the last small-scale local eisteddfods still existing in Wales, benefited to the tune of £155.

In addition to the donations, the council holds a further fund to consider requests for additional financial support from good causes in the community, provided the relevant documentation and proof of accounts is provided.