CARMARTHENSHIRE businesses are being warned they will be prosecuted if they break the law on child employment.

Anyone who does not abide by the Carmarthenshire Bylaws will be taken to court and could face fines of up to £1,000.

This warning comes as secondary school children across the county prepare to take on summer employment. The county council is working to raise aware of these essential work regulations to parents and prospective employers.

Dozens of employers around the county have already registered children who are working for them and have the correct permits in place.

However, the council say they are still prepared to prosecute those who do not comply.

Byelaws state that all children of compulsory school age 13-16 who are in part time employment must have a work permit.

It is illegal to employ any child under 13 and no child of compulsory school age can work more than 12 hours in any school week. This applies whether the employment is paid or unpaid.