LOCAL residents in Pantyffynnon are battling to ensure that land in the area is secured for children in the community.

'Go and Play' a group representing children's needs based in Pantyffynnon are speaking out against a planning application for eight industrial units they say will jeopardise an area used by local children to play in.

The site had been highlighted by Play Wales for an adventure playground which the group had been working towards.

Local AM Rhodri Glyn Thomas, said he had written to Assembly Ministers and county council planners outlining the importance of children's play areas in the community.

"I have met with the group concerned and they have expressed the importance of securing this area for the children of Pantyffynnon," said Mr Thomas.

Rebecca Thomas, from Communities First Pantyffynnon, said: "Every child should have the right to play in a safe place, the community are uniting to campaign against this application to ensure that the little green space left in Pantyffynnon is secure for the children of this generation and the generations to come."