Carmarthenshire MP Jonathan Edwards has upped the fight to halt the temporary closure of post offices.

Latest figures confirm that a total of 95 post offices have temporarily closed since October 31, with 75 of those having remained closed for at least two years.
“When a post office leaves a community, it leaves a gap in the kind of services that that community vitally needs", said the MP for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr.

"Increasingly, we are seeing a reliance on post offices for essential community functions, particularly following the closure of numerous rural bank branches here in Wales.

"The Citizens Advice report shows that one in three rural post offices in the UK are now provided as part-time outreaches – this means that their opening hours can be as little as an hour a week. This is a far cry from the services that our rural communities need, now more than ever."

Jonathan Edwards is calling on the Government to ensure better investment in the Post Office network so that rural communities are not shut out.