He arrived in Carmarthenshire as a writer and dog walker but this week, Llandeilo's Christoph Fischer has announced his candidacy for the Carmarthenshire County Council elections.

"It's a far cry from what I originally came here for," he told The Guardian, as he prepares to stand as a Plaid candidate for the Llandeilo and Dyffryn Cennen ward.

Everyone who knows Fischer will agree that he isn't one to sit back and watch the world go by.  In 2016 he set up the Llandeilo Book Fair, initially to sell his own books, but its success saw it evolve into the Llandeilo Book Festival.

Having chaired two of the award-winning festivals, he took on the chairmanship of the Festival of Senses, which is one of the highlights of Llandeilo’s lead-up to Christmas in which the entire community participates. 

When the pandemic took hold, Christoph set up a Facebook group for residents who needed support in and around Llandeilo - the Llandeilo Covid Support group - and following the easing of the pandemic restrictions, the group turned into the Llandeilo Community Action Hub.
In 2017 he became a Llandeilo town councillor.
“I was somewhat reluctant to put my name forward for the county council because as a Plaid party member I didn’t want to politicise my community work," he continues.  "But with Plaid backing me, I could be even more useful to the community and continue helping Llandeilo and its wonderful community."
Fischer’s political pledges include aiding recovery of businesses, improving primary school facilities, parking, creating spaces for youngsters and breaking down rural isolation.

Fischer is keen to hear from residents about any issues they may have. You can contact him via ChristophFFischer@googlemail.com or 07747613617