When 15-year-old dog lover Moli James discovered that little Luna was in desperate need of surgery to correct her two ruptured cruciate ligaments, she promised to do everything she could to help her mother cover the massive vets costs.

And so on Easter Saturday, Moli will be doing a 24-hour ‘kennel sleep-over’ with her pit bull Dotty to keep her company.

Luna arrived at the West Wales Poundies rescue home three months ago.  Despite still being a puppy aged just ten months old, a veterinary examination confirmed that Luna had ruptured both cruciate ligaments and consequently needed surgery on both her knees. 

The fee for this complicated procedure totals £6,160 and this includes a discount which the vets have kindly awarded, as Luna is a rescue dog.

“I’ve always said that I’ve been gifted with two wonderful children who both share my passion for animals and animal welfare,” said mum Lianne Evans.

“But this just proves how much Luna and caring for animals means to Moli.

She’s a child who was born into rescue and consequently knows nothing else.”

When Moli isn’t at school, she helps her mother and the volunteers run the West Wales Poundies dog rescue kennels which are situated near Llandeilo.

“Moli loves bossing everyone around and helps keep the place running smoothly, so it was no real surprise when she announced last week that she’ll be doing this 24-hour sleep over for Luna,” continued Lianne. 

“She realises how slow the fundraiser has been and how we’re really struggling to get the money to cover the operation, so hopefully this will give it the boost it so desperately needs.”

West Wales Poundies is a registered charity dedicated to saving the lives of dogs who have ended up in council pounds although a small number arrive from other circumstances.

After they arrive, the dogs have just seven days to be claimed by their owners. 

Once the seven days have passed, they then move to a rescue organisation if spaces are available.  Sadly, if there isn’t sufficient space, the dogs will be destroyed.

If anybody would like to make a donation to Luna, they can do so via

Paypal :- savewwp@outlook.com (please use family and friends) or a bank transfer at

coop bank. account no. 65773754 sort code. 08-92-99

account name wst wales poundies dog rescue.