Carmarthenshire’s public footpath network is in danger of falling by the wayside following claims that maintenance is being ignored and legal ‘accessibility’ issues are growing on an annual basis.

Between June 2018 and December 2021, the  number of outstanding maintenance issues had grown significantly from 1,300 to 1,800 while the number of outstanding legal issues had increased from 576 to 848.

This, fear walkers, will spell a decline in the number of people who walk for their physical and mental wellbeing.

“The value of the public rights of way network (PROW)  has been seen very clearly over the past few years, particularly during the periods of lockdown when the paths was used by so many people for a variety of different reasons,” said  Barbara Strobe, chair of Carmarthen Ramblers.

“But sadly the network here in Carmarthenshire is not in the best state of health.  The last survey, which was in 2018, showed that less than half of the paths was open, accessible and signed and since then we know that the problem has grown enormously.”

Now the groups representing Ramblers in Carmarthenshire are calling on all council election candidates to commit to carry out the council’s statutory duties to protect and maintain the county’s PROW network

“According to the Welsh government’s guidance, authorities must ensure that sufficient resources are devoted to meeting their statutory duties with regard to protecting the public rights of way and ensuring they are maintained to a good condition for everyone who wants to use them

“We’re so fortunate here in Carmarthenshire to have 1,500 miles of footpaths that run through such beautiful countryside and it’s important that everything possible gets done to allow these paths to continue.

“Naturally we acknowledge that the financial resources of local government are being stretched, but we’re calling on our councillors to meet their statutory duties and ensure that the rights of way improvement plan is fully implemented.

The Carmarthenshire County Council h Rights of Way Improvement Plan, 2019 – 2029 can be viewed here: