A man accused of controlling another woman’s movements - as well as the clothing which she wore - has been sent to Swansea Crown Court for trial after magistrates this week declined jurisdiction.

Ashley Mason, 35, denies controlling the person with whom he had what the Crown this week described as ‘an intimate family relationship’.

It is alleged that between January 1 and August 16, 2022, Mason repeatedly engaged in controlling behaviour which included monitoring the woman’s location, controlling the clothing she wore and limiting her access to another female friend.


After denying the offence, magistrates declined jurisdiction and the matter was adjourned to September 16 when Mason’s trial will commence in Swansea Crown Court.

He was released on conditional bail, the conditions being that he doesn’t engage in any form of communication with neither the victim nor the witnesses, that he doesn’t enter Ammanford, that he resides at an address in Bury Street, Llanelli and that he observes a daily curfew between 7pm and 7am.

Mason pleaded guilty to additional charges of possessing an offensive weapon, namely a knuckle duster and push dagger, in a public place in Glanaman on August 17 and of possessing an illegal drug, namely cannabis/cannabis resin.

Magistrates adjourned both matters until September 7 when he will re-appear before Llanelli magistrates for sentence.