Celtic Energy, who extracted coal from the Gilfach Iago opencast coal site, have paid £320,000 towards the restoration of footpaths and bridleways on the site.

Carmarthenshire County Council will contribute an additional £120,000 to the project.

Speaking at the site today Jonathan Edwards MP said: “These negotiations have taken almost 30 years. This agreement isn’t by any means perfect, but at least we have made progress”

Councillor David Thomas said that it will be great to see this site being accessible to local walkers, cyclists and horse riders.


Councillor Karen Davies said: “I would like to thank council staff for getting us to this position and now we can aim to improve the mental and physical health of our residents”

Councillor Sian Thomas said: “Peter and myself have been involved with this site for the past 30 years. Celtic Energy promised a lot but reneged on most of their offers.

“However I am pleased to see that we have got something out of them, if only the restoration of the rights of way, not the community benefits they promised.”