Jonathan Edwards MP has spoken out on increased risk levels of Avian Influenza transmission.

The MP for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr has called on both Welsh and UK governments to work together on the issue.

Avian Influenza has recently been identified in Anglesey, and has previously been identified in Pembrokeshire.

October has seen an escalation in the number of confirmed cases, leading to significant pressure on the poultry industry.

This has led to NFU Cymru calling a meeting, which will take place next week to discuss the situation.


Jonathan Edwards MP said: “I am very concerned regarding the effect on poultry farmers in this case.

"I have called on the Minister to ensure co-ordination between the UK and Welsh Government on a Ministerial level not only on an official level to ensure maximum protection for the industry.

“The Welsh government minister has already stated that she had no contact with the previous Secretary of State, and I hope that the minister will keep his word and ensure communication is made.”