FOUR people from Surrey will face crown court judges next month for affray in Llandovery.

Bradley Morgan, 30, of Ravensbourne Avenue, Stanwell, Surrey; Joseph Scholz-Conway, 31, of Weymede, Byfleet, Surrey; Jordan Pollitt, 27, of Diamedes Avenue, Stanwell, Surrey; and John Slade, 37, of Clockhouse Lane, Ashford, Surrey, all appeared at Llanelli Magistrates Court on April 13.

They all faced the same charge of affray when on November 24 at Whitehall Inn, Llandovery, they are alleged to have ‘used or threatened unlawful violence towards other persons and your conduct was such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety.’

All four have been granted conditional bail and are due to appear at Swansea Crown Court on May 15.