A CARMARTHENSHIRE woman accused of defrauding a man out of more than £3,700 has claimed she only did so under pressure from her partner.

Hannah Roberts, 20, is accused of nine charges of fraud between December 17, 2021, and January 20, 2022.

She is alleged to have made false representations to gain access to the complainant’s Barclays bank account to make payments to herself totalling £3,729.

Prosecutor Alycia Carpanini said Roberts had called the bank “posing as the complainant” to “encourage the transferring of money”.

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Roberts had previously claimed the money was gifted to her to be used to buy Christmas presents.

The payments continued after the complainant had been moved in to care, the court heard.

Roberts, of Corporation Close in Llanelli, had initially pleaded not guilty. However, her barrister, David Leathley, said she now intended to admit the offences.

Her guilty pleas would be entered on the basis that she was persuaded by a partner to continue making the payments.

Ms Carpanini told Judge Huw Rees that the prosecution did not accept this basis of plea.

Mr Leathley said Roberts did not attend court as she was ill.

Judge Rees ordered that Roberts will enter her pleas on Friday, September 1, and that a Newton Hearing will be held on September 19 to determine whether the court accepted the basis of Roberts’ pleas.