A MAN threatened to assault his victim in front of her two-year-old son and said he would “rape her with a smile on his face” if she didn’t pay off his drugs debts.

While in prison Morgan Gunter, 25, had accrued drug debts and said he needed £200 to pay them off.

When he phoned his victim from prison, he demanded she give him the money, but when she replied she only had £50 to give, Gunter became irate and threatened to “terrorise” her.

Those threats went beyond his victim towards her friends, family and most inexplicably, her two-year-old son.

In an impact statement, the victim said she had “lost confidence” as a result of Gunter’s behaviour, and feels fearful in certain situations, particularly engaging with other men.

Gunter, of Greenmeadow, Cwmbran, made the threats in two separate occasions on October 6 and October 9.

He pleaded guilty to the charges in April and was sentenced at Cardiff Crown Court on May 10.

The only mitigation given for Gunter’s appalling behaviour was the assurance he would never contact his victim again.

South Wales Argus: Sick threats from prisonSick threats from prison (Image: Gwent Police)

On sentencing, Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke summed up Gunter’s disgusting behaviour, saying: “You became angry and aggressive towards her. You threatened to terrorise her. You made repeated threats to her son, her brother, her father and her friends.

“You threatened to take her son from her and rape her with a smile on your face.”

For two offences of making threatening communications, Gunter was given a 10-month prison sentence and placed under a five year restraining order not to contact his victim in anyway.