Three Hywel Dda staff members have been given special training for a wellbeing initiative.

Generous donations to Hywel Dda Health Charities funded the training.

The official charity of Hywel Dda University Health Board, covered the fees for members of the intensive care init teams at Glangwili and Withybush Hospitals.

Tamara Lewis, critical care outreach team nurse, junior sister Hayley Thomas, and staff nurse Amanda Backhouse completed the training programme in 2020.

Their training will help them support the delivery of a new peer support programme across all four ICUs within the Hywel Dda University Health Board area.

Clinical psychologist, Dr Manon Griffiths, expressed her gratitude for the donations given.

She said: "We are incredibly grateful for the donations that have allowed three of our staff members to attend the wellbeing training.

"Pre-pandemic data has shown that one in three ICU staff members in the UK experience burnout. Staff wellbeing is essential for optimal patient care, with workplace stress and burnout associated with poorer clinical outcomes, including higher error, infection and mortality rates.

"Wellbeing also has a significant impact on levels of staff of absenteeism, presenteeism and staff retention.

"The wellbeing initiative will hopefully improve and support the wellbeing of our workforce."

Ms Thomas also expressed her appreciation for the opportunity.

She said: "We would like to thank Hywel Dda Health Charities for funding myself and my colleagues to attend this training.

"I personally have found it very beneficial.

"Working in Intensive Care can be an emotional rollercoaster and have an impact on staff wellbeing. I have picked up many tips and gained knowledge that will impact and improve staff wellbeing, which will also support setting up our peer support group on the unit."

Nicola Llewelyn, head of Hywel Dda Health Charities, said: "The support of our local communities enables us to provide services over and above what the NHS can provide in the three counties of Hywel Dda."

If you wish to join the communities in support of NHS patients and staff across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire and contribute to their wellbeing, you can visit the Hywel Dda Health Charities website.