A voluntary group has raised over £3000 to buy two defibrillators to install in parks around a local village.

Friends of Tycroes Park (FOTP) were inspired by a recent incident when a defibrillator was needed to help someone, yet this piece of equipment was not easy to obtain.

To improve the survival rates for those who experience cardiac arrest, the group decided to start fundraising events and sent letters asking for donations.

Vice president of the FOTP, Clive Hanham said: “That event triggered us to start fundraising so we can purchase defibrillators for the town and the nearby parks, especially for grandparents who are out looking after their grandchildren.

“We first approached the council to supply defibrillators, but we were declined. So, we decided to draft a letter to the public and local businesses to help us raise the money.

“Some of the community councillors used their expenses to kickstart our fundraiser and donated money to our cause. I also wrote to CK Foodstores who are set to open a new supermarket in Tycroes, and they donated £2000.

“One of our members went and stood outside Tesco in Ammanford with a donation bucket and raised £330.”

FOTP are planning to install the two defibrillators on July 9 – one at Heol Brown Park and another at the playground at Coopers Estate.

On the same day there is a free training session in the Village Hall at 6:30pm with the aim of teaching locals how to use a defibrillator during an emergency.

However, FOTP now want to raise more money to install a third defibrillator in town.

On their Facebook page, FOTP posted: “Our fundraising will continue so that we can hopefully purchase our third defibrillator in the not-too-distant future.

“Your support is appreciated and vital. We have a couple of events planned over the next few months.

"Please keep a look out for the info which we'll advertise here and on our village noticeboards. And of course our collection buckets are still out in the village.”

Clive added: “The response from the public has been breathtaking but we don’t want to leave the last one out. Defibrillators cost £1400 each.”

To help fund another defibrillator, money can be sent via bank transfer using the following details:

Friends of Tycroes Park, Nat West, Sort Code 51-61-15, Account Number 71797394.

FOTP is a voluntary group helping to develop, improve and maintain the parks in Tycroes.

The group also organises workshops, events and coffee mornings for local residents.