A MAN accused of assaulting a police officer and obstructing another in an incident at his home has been ordered to avoid any further episodes of violence.

Martin King, of Waungoch in Upper Tumble, was due to stand trial at Swansea Crown Court relating to a violent incident on January 30 last year.

The 54-year-old was charged with assault by beating of an emergency worker and obstructing a police constable in execution of duty.

He denied both offences.

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The court heard that the officer who King was accused of assaulting had sustained “a mark to the cheek”, whilst the defendant was also injured during the incident.

Defence counsel Craig Jones said that, on the night of the incident, King had been celebrating with three other people his return to employment after having been laid off due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Ahead of the trial, Ms Wilson, prosecuting, said that the Crown Prosecution Service would offer no evidence on either offence – avoiding the need for a trial – in return for the defendant being bound over.

Binding over is an order which can be made by a court designed to prevent future misconduct. It can be made upon conviction or upon acquittal, and requires the defendant to pay a specified sum if the terms of the order are breached.

“I will bind you over in the sum of £100,” Judge Huw Rees told King.

“You must refrain from unlawful violent conduct in the next six months.”

Ms Wilson formally offered no evidence on either charge, and Judge Rees entered not guilty verdicts.