Motorists in Carmarthenshire are being urged to drive safely as road maintenance works begin across the county.

Essential surface dressing is underway, carried out by the council to make roads safer and better to use.

The process requires a coating of hot bitumen, along with layers of stone chippings, followed by clearing any excess using a mechanical sweeper.

The equivalent of around 45 miles of carriageway is being worked on.

Motorists are asked to exercise caution during the operations to prevent accidents or damages.

They should stick to recommended speed limits, avoid overtaking and prevent sudden breaking or sharp turns.

Pedestrians aren't exempt from caution either.

They are advised to be careful around newly treated areas as bitumen can stick to shoes, but can be removed with solvents like turpentine or white spirits.

Cllr Edward Thomas, Carmarthenshire County Council's cabinet member for transport, waste and infrastructure services said: "This work prolongs the life expectancy of the road, as it prevents water seeping into the road foundation and weakening.

"This also reduces the chances of potholes developing.

"Once treated, the skid resistance value of the road surface is improved.

"This is the most cost effective method of resurfacing our roads and allows traffic to drive over the newly laid surface almost immediately after."

Cllr Thomas also urged understanding for the disruption caused, explaining: "Like most highway maintenance works, it does cause disruption to the flow of traffic.

"Drivers need to travel slowly on the newly laid surface to prevent chippings being dislodged.

"This is the reason why advisory speed limits are displayed.

"Inconsiderate drivers who travel at speeds above the recommended limit can undermine road safety and cause damage to their own and other vehicles, pedestrians and property."

There may be small delays during the works, and the council has expressed apologies for any inconvenience caused.