POLICE have released the mugshot of a stalker who broke into a woman’s home after she rejected him and messaged her saying he would take his own life in her bed.

Adam Lewis was jailed for 13 months after he admitted stalking his victim over a period of weeks in May.

Sentencing Lewis, Judge Huw Rees described his actions as “most unpleasant and distressing, and the type of offending which could leave its mark on a victim”.

“It’s little wonder that she feels that her home and herself have been violated and feels uncomfortable in her own home – where she should feel most secure,” he said.

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Prosecutor Hannah George told Swansea Crown Court that the victim met Lewis – who was some 11 years older than her – whilst out drinking at Tafarn-Y-Phoenix in Gorslas in early May.

The two went home together, but after that he became infatuated with her and repeatedly messaged her.

On one occasion, 39-year-old Lewis asked the victim out, but she declined due to concerns over his intensity.

“He threw money at her and demanded why she didn’t want to go out with him,” Ms George said.

Over the next two weeks, Lewis showed up at the victim’s house late at night multiple times. He would bang on her door, and asked her neighbours where she was.  

On May 23, the victim messaged Lewis telling him she “didn’t want things to go any further” and “was scared by his behaviour on the last occasion”.

Adam Lewis has been jailed for stalking a woman after she rejected him.Adam Lewis has been jailed for stalking a woman after she rejected him. (Image: Dyfed-Powys Police)

At around 12.30am on May 26, Lewis showed up at her home again – however the victim wasn’t home. Lewis smashed a window – cutting his arm – and climbed inside to go and look for her. As he moved around the house, he left a trail of blood from his injured arm.

He went in to the victim’s bedroom and climbed in to her bed. There, “he sent her a text saying he was going to kill himself in her bed,” Ms George said.

The message read: ‘I’m going to die in your bed. Now that’s gangster’.

The police were called and found Lewis in the living room. He told the officers someone had smashed the window with a brick which had “scared” him. He also told the police that the house belonged to his “girlfriend”.

Lewis was taken to hospital for treatment, and was arrested.

“She now feels uneasy in her own home,” Ms George said.

Lewis, of Plas Gwyn Road in Penygroes, had 22 previous convictions for 39 offences. He pleaded guilty to stalking involving serious alarm or distress.

Ieuan Rees, appearing for Lewis, admitted it was “a most unpleasant incident”.

Judge Rees granted the victim a 10-year restraining order against Lewis.