A 19-YEAR-OLD Audi driver admitted careless driving after narrowly avoiding a crash after drifting on to the wrong side of the road.

Ethan Morgan, of Waterloo Road in Penygroes, appeared at Llanelli Magistrates’ Court charged with careless driving.

Police officers were driving on the A476 near Tumble on December 30 taking a person to hospital. It was raining heavily and there was standing water on the road.

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They reported that the vehicle ahead of them braked suddenly due to the Morgan’s Audi A1 approaching on the wrong side of the road.

Morgan swerved back on to the correct side of the road, narrowly avoiding the other car.

The officers reported that Morgan “continued at speed” as hit a pool of standing water at high speed just before passing the police car.

The court was told that this section of the road had signs indicating for drivers to slow down, and there was a sharp right-hand bend in the road.

The officers reported the incident to their colleagues, who later stopped Morgan.

The prosecution alleged that the standard of Morgan’s driving “fell well below that of a reasonable and competent driver” and that he was driving without due care and attention.

Morgan admitted careless driving at Llanelli Magistrates’ Court on August 28.

He was fined £261 and was ordered to pay £110 in costs and a £104 surcharge. Morgan also had five points added to his licence.