A request for the Workmen’s Hall to be taken into public ownership has been rejected - just weeks after a fire tore through the building.

The blaze at the Garnant building, believed to have been a deliberate arson attack, broke out on August 26 and caused serious damage, as well as leaving Cwmaman Road closed for several hours. 

Councillor Kevin Madge submitted a notice in motion at the latest Carmarthenshire County Council meeting for the derelict Garnant to be taken into public ownership and redeveloped.

Mr Madge said: “The motion is calling for the Workmen’s Hall in Garnant to be taken into public ownership, demolishing the building and using the land for extra care homes or housing for local people.

“The building is the biggest eye sore in the Amman Valley and is the biggest risk to local neighbours and residents. Youngsters are risking their lives again, breaking into the building.

“Over the last ten years, solving the problem has been like a game of ping pong. It just keeps going back and forth between the council and the owners while causing the ratepayers thousands of pounds.

“We must take action. I know that building has cost us tens of thousands of pounds. I ask the council to solve this problem because if we don’t, some tragedy is going to happen."

The proposal was seconded by Councillor Tina Higgins, who said more social housing is needed in the area.

Councillor Alun Lenny expressed how action has been taken to prevent young people from breaking into the building.

He said: “Action has been taken through legal channels and on site. Our officers have visited the site no less than 50 times. Two years ago, building control inspected the hall but concluded it did not meet the dangerous structure criteria.

“However, last year, section 58 of the Building Act 1984 was implemented, advising the owners of the building to carry out emergency works. As there was no response. The council instigated to remove the roof tiles and net the building.

“Steps were also taken under the Local Government Act 1982 to try and prevent trespass. It has cost us around £67,000 in direct action to remedy the issues on site.”

Meanwhile, other councillors conveyed how the Workmen’s Hall is one of many derelict buildings in the Amman Valley.

The Workmen’s Hall opened in 1927 and was once the main cultural centre in the area.