Carmarthenshire County Council have revealed the fixed penalty notices (FPNs) issued for environmental offenses last month (August 2024).

There were FPNs issued by the Environmental Enforcement Team for crimes such as littering, fly-tipping, improper waste disposal and vehicle abandonment.

There were £125 FPNs for littering, £200 FPN for abandonment of a vehicle, £400 FPN for fly-tipping, £100 FPNs for waste receptable offences.

Cllr Aled Vaughan Owen, Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Decarbonisation, and Sustainability said: “These enforcement actions demonstrate our ongoing commitment to protecting the environment.

“We urge residents to adhere to waste disposal regulations and to report any offences."

Some fines were administered in areas such as Ammanford and St Clears.

In Ammanford a resident received an FPN for placing waste in the incorrect location.

Meanwhile, two FPN’s were issued in St Clears:

  • St Clears Bring Site: A female resident of St Clears was issued an FPN for leaving a cardboard box containing broken glass on the ground.
  • St Clears Bring Site: A male resident of Carmarthen Town was issued a £400 FPN for fly-tipping multiple cardboard boxes, books, and household waste, including a black and blue bag, at the site.

Multiple FPNs were also administered at Morrison supermarkets, including:

  • Morrisons Recycling Facility, Trostre: A female resident of Penlan, Bryn, Llanelli was issued an FPN for leaving a carrier bag containing a plate on the ground.
  • Morrisons Carmarthen: A female resident of Ponthenry was fined for depositing a carrier bag full of household waste at the recycling facility.

Elsewhere in Carmarthenshire, the council prosecuted two people for littering offences:

  • Water Street, Carmarthen On 3rd January 2024, Mr. Martin Robert Tucker of Penrhiwllan, Llandysul, was witnessed throwing a cigarette butt from his vehicle. Despite being offered the opportunity to pay a £125 FPN, Mr. Tucker failed to do so. The case was referred to the magistrates, resulting in a £270 fine, £300 in costs, and an £88 victim surcharge.
  • Vaughan Street, Llanelli Mr. Stuart Allen, a Llanelli resident, was seen discarding a cigarette end in January 2024. After failing to pay the £125 Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN), the case was brought to court. Mr. Allen was then issued a £120 FPN, and the magistrates imposed £200 in court costs and a £48 victim surcharge.

Overall, the council issued 39 Section 46 notices under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 for failure to adhere to waste disposal regulations and 12 Section 12 notices under the same act for offenses related to commercial and industrial proposal.