A Warm Welcome group in Ammanford is helping locals overcome the ‘epidemic of loneliness’ with weekly meet ups and fun activities.

Warm Welcome Wednesdays takes place at Ammanford English Baptist Church from 10am to 2pm.

The group provides free lunch to its visitors at 12:30pm and activities such as board games, jigsaws, arts and craft, quizzes and gardening.

Jean Floe takes pride in the artistic activities the group offers.Jean Floe enjoys the artistic activities at the Warm Welcome group. (Image: Newsquest)Nicola is a regular and describes the weekly meeting as a 'warm, welcoming and safe environment.'Nicola is a regular and describes the weekly meet up as a 'warm, welcoming and safe environment.' (Image: Newsquest) A beautiful artistic design by Jean, focusing on spirituality.A beautiful artistic design by Jean, focusing on spirituality. (Image: Newsquest) Christine Williams revealed the group have been to the seaside together. Christine Williams revealed the group have been to the seaside together. (Image: Newsquest) Jean Floe, an artist at the club, said: “There’s an epidemic of loneliness. It’s a good support network. I’ve seen the change in people. People become more social and less depressed when attending the event.

“You might feel invisible on Tuesday but on Wednesday you have something to look forward to.”

Nicola Mattocks, another group regular, added: “It gives you something to do. Some people come occasionally while others come often. It’s a warm, welcoming and safe environment.”

Christine Williams agreed: “We’ve previously done bits of origami and had runner beans for lunch from our garden. We even had a trip to the seaside once.”

Church minister Gareth Cheedy says the meeting is crucial after the winter fuel cut payments.Church minister Gareth Cheedy says the meeting is crucial after the winter fuel cut payments. (Image: Newsquest) Pam Cheedy believes the group can help people who are feeling lonely.Pam Cheedy believes the group can help people who are feeling lonely. (Image: Newsquest) Meanwhile, Church minister Gareth Cheedy believes the meeting is even more important during this time of year.

He said: “This group is helping to encourage locals during the crisis caused by the cut in winter fuel payments.

“Before I came here, people just met on Sunday.  Now many people come here weekly, which has allowed friendships to develop.”

Gareth’s wife, Pam added: “If people are feeling lonely, they can come here and have a chat. We’re here for people who need the company."

Social prescriber for the Amman Valley, Lisa Pritchard.Social prescriber for the Amman Valley, Lisa Pritchard. (Image: Newsquest) The group also benefits from a social prescriber who works for Carmarthenshire County Council.

Social prescriber for Amman Valley, Lisa Pritchard said: “We try to connect people regardless of age to improve sense of wellbeing. We offer help for a range of issues, including mental health.

“Some people were in a very dark place and have come through the other side. It brings enjoyment back to their lives. It’s lovely to see the rewards. You see people coming in very broke. The club has saved people’s lives. Everybody is so friendly.”

Derek Murphy and James Miles Murphy make lunch at the club.Derek Murphy and James Miles Murphy make lunch at the club. (Image: Newsquest) All the food at the weekly meeting is prepared by Derek Murphy and James Miles Thomas.

Derek, who is a chef by trade, and James’ carer said: “We were looking for a place for James to be part of something. We cook and the people come and eat. People mix together for lunch.

“While there are different activities are going on, James can contribute by helping me cook. He loves cooking and helping others. That’s what the meet up group is all about.”