Three Amman Valley care workers are preparing to skydive for a children's charity.

The team from Swanton’s Glangarnant House in Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen will jump from 10,000ft at Swansea Airfield on October 5 to raise funds for Happy Days, a charity that provides special days for vulnerable children.

Michelle Williams, Stacey Howells, and Dan Mainwaring, who have never skydived before, are nervous but determined.

Ms Williams, the service manager at Glangarnant, said: "As crazy as it may sound, we are all looking forward to the skydive, even though none of us have ever jumped from a plane at 10,000ft before.

"It’s daunting and nerve-wracking, but to know that we can raise money for Happy Days makes this an incredibly worthwhile challenge.

"We want to raise as much as possible for their incredibly worthy cause."

Mr Mainwaring, a fellow care worker and first-time skydiver, admits he is feeling the fear as the dive date approaches.

He said: "Michelle’s not fussed about heights, but I’m quite scared myself and Stacey is quite apprehensive too.

"But we want to push ourselves to do something out of the ordinary and raise money to contribute towards the fantastic work done by Happy Days.

"The people we support are right behind us, and some of them will be coming to cheer us on at the airfield."

To support Team Glangarnant's fundraising efforts, visit their Just Giving page.