A Llandovery wool and haberdashery shop has raised hundreds of pounds to help a fire service tackle grass fires.

The owners of Bumblebees, in Market Square, raised the money to help Llandovery Fire and Rescue Service purchase a STIHL leaf blower.

Leaf blowers are now used by fire crews to help control and extinguish grass fires.

The backpack blower relieves the crew from the traditional method of using beaters.

To help raise the funds, Linzi and Jason Brown, have held raffles, tabletop car boot sales, as well as cake and mulled cider sales over the past 12 months.

Ms Brown said: "It was a conversation with local firefighter and avid knitter, Ella Peel, that led Jason and I to start our fundraising campaign.

"We are so grateful for the amazing service the crew provide to our community that when we heard they were missing this piece of equipment we set to raise the funds necessary to enable the purchase.

"We'd like to thank all those who supported us."

The fundraising target was exceeded, and the additional funds have gone towards the fire station’s kitty for refreshments for the crew.

Bumblebees was created by Linzi and Jason Brown in 2021.

Ms Brown is a lifelong crafter with a passion for fabric and free machine embroidery.

Bumblebees stocks everything from quality yarns to a variety of fabrics as well as buttons, ribbons and trims.

They also have books to inspire, needle felting supplies and a range of make-your-own kits.

They also stock a range of creative gifts.