Three planning applications have recently been submitted to Carmarthenshire County Council for the Saron, Llanwrda and Glanamman areas.

A-frame/pod and camping area

An application has been submitted for an A-frame/pod and camping area at land west of Bryngwyn, Llanwrda.

According to the plans, the new pods are to be constructed with a timber laminated structural frame, complete with a softwood external cladding.

The site plan also references double glazed windows with uPVC frames and double glazed French doors, with clean stone and gravel for vehicle access and hard-standing.

Detached garage

An application has also been submitted for a new detached garage and storage unit at Raven Garage, Cwmamman Road, Glanaman.

This is for owners' and customers' vehicles only.

The proposed storage unit, which will be on a 976sqm piece of land, is intended solely for the storage of vehicles.

There is no intention of carrying out the fixing or servicing of cars in this unit, and this will remain within the existing building.

Loft conversion and other works

An application has also been submitted for a loft conversion and dormer extensions to a bungalow at 12 Saron Road, Saron.

This would provide a bedroom, en-suite bathroom, rooflights, and internal renovation to the ground floor to provide a staircase.

Planning permission was recently granted for a dormer extension to the roof.

The plans say this would potentially remove some of the bungalow's original character, and this would need to be mitigated through good design.