CYLCH CINIO CYMRAEG RHYDAMAN - Cynhaliwyd Cinio Blynyddol Cylch Cinio Cymraeg Rhydaman yn y Ganolfan Aman, Rhydaman, Nos Iau, Medi’r 5ed dan lywyddiaeth Trefor Evans, Llandybïe. Trefor yw’r llywydd newydd am y tymor 2013-14 ac wrth ymgymeryd â’r llywyddiaeth diolchodd i Dafydd Wyn, Glanaman am ei lywyddiaeth graenus yn ystod flwyddyn a aeth heibio ac am ddod i’r adwy pan oedd ef yn sâl. Hefyd fe gydymdeimlodd theulu y Parch. Wyndham Rees, un o’n cyn-aelodau a fu farw yn ystod mis Awst. Yn absenoldeb y cyn-lywydd a oedd ar ei wyliau croesawodd yr ysgrifennydd Trefor i’r gadair a hynny am yr eil-dro ac fe ddymunodd yn dda iddo ar ôl cyfnod o afiechyd. Yr is-lywydd yw Peter Hallam gyda Emyr Williams yn ddarpar is-lywydd. Ail apwyntiwyd y trysorydd Hefin Williams a’r ysgrifennydd a swyddog y wasg Elfryn Thomas.

Aethpwyd ati i drefnu rhaglen am 2014 ac eisoes mae’r Prifardd Robat Powell ar arbennigwraig ym myd busnes ac arian Carol Bell a’r chwaraewr rygbi dros Gymru a’r Scarlets Terry Davies wedi bodloni dod atom.

Cynhelir y ginio nesaf yn y Ganolfan Aman, Rhydaman, Nos Iau, Hydref 3 yn brydlon am 7.15 o’r gloch pryd y bydd y Genetegydd yn Ysbyty Singleton, Mrs. Liwsi Kim Protheroe-Davies yn brif westai. Ac ddechrau tymor newydd fel hyn estynnir groeso cynnes i aelodau hen a newydd. Am rhagor o wybodaeth cysylltwch â’r ysgrifennydd Elfryn Thomas – ffôn (01269) 593679 neu e-bost

PENSIONERS' CHAT - On Wednesday, September 18, we were visited by a member of the Air Ambulance Service. The talk and film show he gave was quite an eye opener, and much appreciated by the audience. A spontaneous collection was made and donated to their cause.

Chair announced that another three new members had joined us, and they were duly welcomed into our group.

This week, September 25, we will hold a party for those members attaining the age of ninety this year.

Chair asked for all helpers to be at the hall by twelve noon, to make preparations for the party to start at 2pm.

YN Y CAPELI - Medi 29. Capel y Gwynfryn: Oedfa prynhawn am 3 o'r gloch y Gweinidog. Gellimanwydd: Y Gweinidog. Oedfa gymun am 10.30 o'r gloch dan ofal y Parch Dewi Evans, Llanelli. Ebeneser: 10.30 a 5.30 y Gweinidog.

MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNINGS - Macmillan World's Biggest Coffee Morning events in Ammanford this Friday, September 27 include - Ammanford Evangelical Church, Wind Street will host the coffee morning from 10am to 2pm. £3 entry includes coffee, biscuits and free raffle ticket.

Margaret Street surgery between 9am and 11.30am.

Glanafon Sheltered Housing Scheme, off Park Road, Betws from 10am to 12pm.

Open day and afternoon tea at Gleneric Homecare, Hall Street, Ammanford from noon onwards, proceeds to Macmillan care.

JUNIOR INDOOR BOWLS - Coaching sessions will begin on Saturday, September 28 from 9.45am to 11.30am at the stadium, Manor Road, Ammanford. A warm welcome is extended to all from age 8 to 16.

GROWING TOGETHER - The group have got a big night out concert with singers Aled and Jim and John Evans on Friday, October 11 at 7.30pm in Ammanford Pensioners' hall. Tickets are priced at £5 available by phoning Nantlais on 01269 594121 or Alan on 01269 594741.

CHURCH SERVICE - September 29. English Baptist Church, Brynmawr Lane: 11am Service.

MARIE CURIE CANCER CARE - Get involved with your local Amman Valley fundraising group. Find out more by contacting your local community fundraiser Hannah on 07798 638078/01792 461435 or email

THEATRE BOYS WANTED - Galaxy Theatre are looking for boys aged 11 to 16 to take part in their amateur production of Bugsy Malone in November.

The show will be performed in Brynaman Public Hall. There are still some main parts up for grabs so come along and join the fun. For further information, please contact Ronnie on 07870 994193 or Marcia 07712 185387.

BRYNTEG SURGERY FLU CLINICS - Thursday, October 3: 9.30am to 12pm at Pensioners Hall, Ammanford (no appointment needed).

Tuesday, October 8: 2.30 to 4pm at Garnswllt Hall, Garnswllt (no appointment needed).

Thursday, October 10: 2pm to 4pm at Glanaman Hospital, Glanaman (contact surgery for appointment).

Monday, October 14: 2pm to 4pm at Memorial Hall, Llandybie (no appointment needed).

Thursday, October 24: 9.30pm to 12pm at Pensioners Hall, Ammanford (no appointment needed).

Thursday, October 24: 2pm to 4pm at Glanaman Hospital, Glanaman (contact surgery for appointment).

AMMAN VALLEY RAILWAY SOCIETY - The Society urgently requires voluntary workers to help out with the charity and with the Swansea 9 Lines (S9L) ultralight eco tram project. Volunteers usually need to have their own transport, and to put in about two days a week.

They may receive expenses for fuel where relevant, and probably enjoy themselves, being given a degree of autonomy after induction. Younger volunteers will find the project invaluable work experience.

AVRS and S9L are looking for: Human Resources Officer, Volunteer Co-ordinator, Events Co-ordinator, Administration Officer.

S9L is looking for: Building Project Manager, Personnel Recruitment, Building Consultant, Design Consultant, Manufacturing Managers.

Anyone interested in the appointments above should email Mike Smith, CEO, on or phone either 01269 824693, or 01792 447854 in the first instance.

Other posts are also available, possibly tailored to suit the applicant.